Report: Global Muslim population hits 1.57 Billion:

Report: Global Muslim population hits 1.57 Billion:

You may have already heard this. I find it rather fascinating. One of the key points of this report is that there is an unwarranted assumption that there is a correlation between being Arab and being Muslim. What this report explains is that most Muslims are not Arabs. As has been discussed in the classes that I have taught, we have the three main monotheistic religions of the world heading full speed ahead to a common place and time in history. If you add up the populations of Jews, Muslims and Christians (Catholic and Protestant combined) you get a tally that is somewhere approaching 2/3rds of the worlds population. Even if you do not believe that Revelation is telling our future … you can not deny that the Jews are waiting for their Messiah which requires them to rebuild their temple and resume national sacrifices (foretold in Revelation) and that there are sects of the Muslim community that are preparing for their end-time scenario to be fulfilled which requires the elimination of Israel amongst other things (also foretold in Revelation). It just makes you wonder ….

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